Data is shared via HTTPS post messages.
Company Name
Api Key
User Id
(your unique user identifier)We will provide the company name and API key. The user ID can be any unique string you use to identify users. This data will need to be shared on the launch of KinesteX embeddable view in your app.
KinesteX Launch
(detected launch of KinesteX view)Plan sign up
(when a user signs up for a workout plan)Workout opened
(when a user opens a workout)Workout started
(when a user starts the workout)Exercise data:
(when we detect a user complete an exercise)
Workout finished
(When a user exits a workout)Workout overview:
(Sent right after a user exits the workout and contains a summary of the workout)
KinesteX Closed
(Sent when a user exits the KinesteX embeddable view)KinesteX Error
(Sent if we detect an error. Examples of errors may include denied camera permission, unable to detect the camera, cannot connect to the database, etc.)We record the user ID and the time a user launches KinesteX, as well as the plans users have started and their Workout Overview
data for backup and stats.